C'est La Vie


Young79 2008. 5. 4. 02:00
Ah.... I think I stayed so long time in canada...(Yeah, one more time... which is to pretend Im Smart...ㅡ.ㅡ;;;;)

First my korean is getting deteriorating.... and I didn't study english at all, my english also is getting deteriorating....

and... it has set me back in my korean... ㅡ_-)a

so..that's why...

it's so hard to post on my blog...

I wanted to post sth, or I wanted to write my opinion on my blog, but..

I just have posted a few word, or posted one article and deleted it why i was not satisfied

maybe 4-5, I did like that....maybe..;; and..also I don't write if I don't feel to want to post..

yeah..it's true that I need to study korean and english more....

but i think most problem is RULIWEB;;

Most feature of ruliweb is Comment... well... the problem of comment is, there are lots of self-expert or other people say they are expert which is the features of web site as ruliweb. this is more powerful than "Jisick-In" of "Naver", but the important is most comment of 70-80% is like rumor, and they are worthless.

Hmm.. information is different how people think about it, so this bullshit ruliweb, there are lots of rumors, and a person(exactly me!) who lacks backbone, he is complicated hearing this rumor and that rumor...

and just my thinking is around my mouth, and I can't type at all by my hand...

yeah, just keep reading, so im comportable to read sth, and keep not writing, i can't write.. -0-;;;

anyway... i just make an excuse...but it's just lazy... ㅡ.ㅡ;;;;

so.. that's why hard to see my posting.... ㅡ_-)a

well... also busy to go to work, and busy to play a game....whatever.. ㅡ.ㅡ;;;