Young79 2008. 11. 6. 11:07
Perhaps the root cause might be from me. And maybe there are several reason.
That idea is not from me who is a director? get angry to myself? actually, it's not important.

yesterday, I couldn't have any idea about the game on a meeting. I was almost crazy not to have the idea. I was sad that I should agree somebody's saying that when you are older, your brain is getting stiff... but this morning, I could have some idea about my game what I thought well... so the problem is....

I think it's my limitation because it's not my field... that's why the experience is important..

Developing a game what I want. It's basically sure thing but real is not so easy.

well, I come in to know it. just no experience.... I think what I thought last time, and forgotten thought, and it makes me refresh.

anyway, it's just one in my way.

just.... I don't want to develop.... maybe it's not my style, but there is no point that Im interested in. It could be good system, or not, it's too easy to decide, but.....whatever...
who says designer is just adjusting....... just it's not my thought.

headache, and getting complicated... and I want to take a trip, but I don't have a camera, and.... anyway, it's time to take a relax...

I felt again on the meeting yesterday..... I want to set my thought whenever I can. So the thing I need is, Lua, Japanese, NDSL.....??