Publisher : GCKBOOKS
Release Year : 2004년 4월
Page: 182
Love is Albumin : Choi Kyu-Seok
Colaman : Choi Kyu-Seok, Seo Kyoung-Soon
Rice Bowl : Choi Kyu-Seok
Dino Dooly : Choi Kyu-Seok
Leviathan : Choi Kyu-Seok
Choice : Choi Kyu-Seok
Flower : Choi Kyu-Seok
Pine Needles : Choi Kyu-Seok, Seo Kyoung-Soon, Jeong Hyun-Wook
Masquerade : Choi Kyu-Seok
Short Story of ChoiKyuSeok - For Dooly
Dooly who can't use magic anymore, because his finger was cut by press machine when he had rough work, Gil-Dong who died by resentment after he got swindled by Douner, Hee-Dong who often go to the prison, Chul-Soo who sold Douner to the Alien Lap for dissection, Ttochi who is a prostitute.
The writer remade < Baby Dino Dooly> which was the gaiety cartoon in 1980's, to < Dino Dooly> to YoungJump in 2003. This cartoon does not pursue only reality and dark side in the life, it has fierce agony about real life, so that's why lots people agree with it.
And also, < Love is Albumin > which was described comically and bitterly about food chain of life, < Colaman > which was prize of a dramatic section at 2002 Dong-A / LG International Cartoon Festival, sharp < Pine Needles > which was a Choi's debut work, etc, total 6 stories are included.
Choi Kyu-Seok - He was born in Jin-Ju in Kyoungnam in 1977, and was graduated in cartoon at Sang-Myung University in 2003. He made his debut at Rookie Cartoonist Festival in 1998. In 2003, he was invited at Angoulême International Comics Festival in France. His works, < Marshy Ecology Report >, < Sad Hommage about Dino Dooly >
by Young
I had a chance to know Choi Kyu-Seok, but it's a little diffrent from the other person who had a chance to know him. It's < Marshy Ecology Report >. He described the life of boarding oneself into the ecosysystem in a marsh, and put funny things, so it made me agree with it without my permission.
and ,this, Sad Hommage about Dino Dooly, it made me absolutely being his fan.
After I've seen it a long time ago, I wanted to see the other his works, so that's why I bought it.( I saw < Marshy Ecology Report > for webtoon in the past, so that's why I didn't buy it.) It's quite true as I have heard.
But, only one thing I regret that, in the book, there are lots of review which praised the writer, so it's unpleasant to my eye. I don't know the other people, but I have no doubt his ability so it's useless to me.
My favorite thing of him is, I think he is genius, the ability which twist the reality, is the best, and also, it make people reflect by themselves in the story, and the ability which remake for agreement is genius. And it's also fun.
And, one more.
I hope that he comes out the major market, and creates more various and interesting cartoon.