'The Little Girl who Conquered Time'에 해당되는 글 2건

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Time is not to pass away. Time is to come up.

: Haruki Kadokawa Films
Director : Nobuhiko Obayashi
Script : Wataru Kenmochi / Yasutaka Tsutsui
Cast : Tomoyo Harada / Toshinori Omi / Ryoichi Takanayagi
Country : Japan/!983
Release : 1983/07/16(Japan)
Runtime : 104분
Score : ★★★☆

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After school on Sat, Kazuko who was on duty for sweeping, heard strange noises in a Lap, and entered into the Lap. She fell in a faint by the smell of experiment medicine in the Lap. After she recovered, something strange happened to her....

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< Japanese Classic Movie, The Little Girl Who Conquered Time >

by Young

"When a person realize ideal love more than reality, is the person happy.......or unhappy..."
The movie that it started with this word, focused on a love story.

It was released in 1983, so it's a little rustic, rough, and sometimes crude suitably to 1983, but because, Im a person who is living the present time. I think.

Although, it's little rustic, rough, and sometimes crude, it's not a bad movie such as being embarrassed, or uncomfortable, and if you enjoy the animation, it's not bad to see once. If you don't feel uncomfortable with the classic movie.

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< The special effect is, it's funny, but last scene is impressive. >

And main character, Tomoyo Harada, and the other character's acting was not so clumzy. However, the special effect at that time is, for the audiences who have an appreciative eyes for special effect, it's the part of makeing them uncomfortable, and the plot in the climax deviated from it. I think it's growth movie to focus on romance more than S.F.

But, it has higher quality than I thought, and if don't watch with point of view recently, it might be enjoyable.

Key Script
: When a person realize ideal love more than reality, is the person happy?...or unhappy?

Kazuo : Time is not to pass away. Time is to come up.
Posted by Young79
사용자 삽입 이미지
: Yasutaka Tsutsui
Remaker : Gaku Tsugano
Publisher : Bookbox
Release Year : Feb, 2005(Kor)
Total Volume : 2(End)

by kaijer

It's the section of comic which is the second review for The Little Girl who Conquered Time!!

I'd like to say for this comic which has 2 volumes is, sure that it's absolutely my opinion, really, really terrible!!!.

it bases on the novel, however, it gave lots damages to the original seriously, and remaker added new episode and edited so alot, finally he recreated to the other character.

And also, in the plot, he seems to assume that readers already knows the story, so he omitted a detailed story. Therefore, when I read it, the plot is unlogical.

I think, it's the problem of translation....
Posted by Young79

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