Release Date : Nov, 14(N.A) / 17(AUS) / 25(E.U) / Dec, 8(JPN) / Apr, 5, 2007(KOR)
Developer : Nintendo
Executive Producer : Shigeru Miyamoto
Director : Makoto Wada / Yasuyuki Oyagi
Producer : Hideki Konno
Genre : Sports - Racing
Voice : Partly Available
O.S.T : Available
Platform : Nintendo DS
Language : Korean
Homepage : NINTENDO DS( http://nintendo.co.kr/www/soft/mariokart/mariokart_submain.php )(Dec, 2007, for Korean)
Mario Kart Series
Mario Kart series which was first released for SNES in 1992, and character of Mario Series which is a mascot of NINTENDO, appeared in the game. It was released for various platform, especially 64 was a Million Seller. This game is a racing game, but it focused on pretty and cute, not reality, and using items, so it developed new part of racing game. Especially it made a challenge against the current of the times that racing game was for just man, mania, so everybody(man, woman, kid, senior, etc) can enjoy with easy-interface, and easy to control. In Korea, Kartrider which has some rumors that pirates from it, was popular, and gave deep argument in Game Industry.
Super Mariokart

Platform : Super Nintendo Entertainment System(SNES)
About : A racing game has appeared that main characters were characters of Super Mario which has been big mega hit Nintendo's game at that time. So always like that, Nintendo developed new style of racing game. It has game play which is possible to happen various situation, not to stay the same position, because of item system which can be attacked against the other side. It made a basic system for Mario Kart, so It was the best seller in SNES.
Mario Kart 64

Platform : Nintendo 64
About : Racing game which was possible to play for 4 people, added lots of items, appearance of Wario, a balloon battle which 2 people play, so it became million seller. It was criticized that it was poor because of lower difficulties, however many people could enjoy, because of lower difficulties, so it's good for playing together.
Mario Kart Super Circuit / Mario Kart Advance

Platform : Game Boy Advance
About : It was first released for portable system. This took over the system of 64, it just changed to 2D-style, however it has high quality of game play. It supported the multiplay. It separated by 2 screen, but in this game, you can play on whole screen of your own GBA, and players don't need the pack. It means that only one player need a pack when playing together. And also lots of maps added. It was sold 9 hundreds of thousand.
Mario Kart : Double Dash

Platform : Game Cube
About : This new Mario Kart Series was for new platform, and it had fantastic 3D. Also it was added various items, and this time, they play a two-seater kart. Especially when 2 people play, one drives a kart, and the other one uses a item, so it focused on cooperation play. It was sold 8 hundreds of thousands.
Mario Kart Arcade GP

Platform : Arcade
About : Nintendo cooperated with Namco and ported to Arcade. Using a card system, and playing 24 course, enjoy with 4 people. And also taking the picture for player, so you can check it out in the game.
Reference Sites
: 『HEAVEN』( http://blog.naver.com/heaven907/ )
怪人出沒區域 -egloos- ( http://asmario.egloos.com/3210176 )
시민의 블로그( http://blog.naver.com/kirby87/2644178 )
Style of Trumpetboy( http://blog.naver.com/trumpetboy/100001074221 )
Playstation®2( http://blog.naver.com/persie/80023903379 )

< The Score of 1UP( http://www.1up.com/ ) >

< The Score of GameSpot( http://www.gamespot.co.kr/ ) >

< The Score of GameSpy( http://www.gamespy.com/ ) >

< The Score of Game Trailers( http://www.gametrailers.com ) >

< The Score of GameZone( http://www.gamezone.com/ ) >

< The Score of IGN( http://www.ign.com/ ) >

< The Score of PortableReview( http://www.portablereview.com/ ) >
by kaijer
There is a thesis that game should be fun. Although something happen in normal life, you should found a fun from it, so the worth of that game will be changed. Like this kind of fun, the otherwise, we called this is gameplay, and it has unique feature by each genre. So sometimes it would be popular by gameplay, however it sometimes would be "MANIAC" by it.
Movie or Animation has also specific genre like it, for game, air-simulation, or racing game is representable example. Racing game begin to deviate from its via which is called MANIAC GAME after population which can drive, is getting larger, but it still is difficult to come to the public.
Game Data Room
Graphic : ★★★★
Sound : ★★★★☆
Scenario : ★★★
Gameplay : ★★★★☆
Total : ★★★★