Source in Korea : Shigeru Miyamoto's Advice( )

Well... just in my opinion....

sure that... should not ignore the taste of the public. I mean, developing games what the public want is so natural, it's not wrong. Nowadays, which genre the public like, is FPS, and I think it's hard to change to the other genre for a long time.

If Im just a gamer, I don't mind who tell this or that. Who cares if game is so fun?

But if it's from developer's point of view, we should think so seriously I think.

Lots of people enjoy FPS nowadays, and some of them become game developers, and they develop FPS, it's sure things, it's not wrong. People who like FPS develop FPS. How fantastic harmony!!!

However, the problem is that there are lots of people like that. The situation that most will develop only FPS.

All of game developers want to develop a game from their idea. It's absolutely sure. But there are lots of cases not to develop like that in real game market. So that's why MMORPG grew up so quickly, and Online Game market. And I also don't like that game development atmosphere in real game market.

and that's why I like Nintendo.

In the news, the scale of Korean game market is tons of billion, and it's already won the movie industry, but just in my opinion, it's a babe in the woods and an empty promise.

Game development is kind of business, and in business, you surely should think about money. However, we should think over Yoshiki Okamoto(Street Fighter's developer)'s word that there is a product such as considering marketability on the other hand, we should develop games which jump over common sense that make game industry wholesome.
Posted by Young79

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