사용자 삽입 이미지
: Yasutaka Tsutsui
Remaker : Gaku Tsugano
Publisher : Bookbox
Release Year : Feb, 2005(Kor)
Total Volume : 2(End)

by kaijer

It's the section of comic which is the second review for The Little Girl who Conquered Time!!

I'd like to say for this comic which has 2 volumes is, sure that it's absolutely my opinion, really, really terrible!!!.

it bases on the novel, however, it gave lots damages to the original seriously, and remaker added new episode and edited so alot, finally he recreated to the other character.

And also, in the plot, he seems to assume that readers already knows the story, so he omitted a detailed story. Therefore, when I read it, the plot is unlogical.

I think, it's the problem of translation....
Posted by Young79

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