'Who Am I??'에 해당되는 글 7건

[Test] Are You a Gamer?

Who Am I?? 2008. 11. 18. 18:17
Original Source : The Ultimate Game Quiz
Second Source : Colors of Life

On the second source, it said, it's gametaku, but exactly what it is, Are You a Gamer!

Well, it's up to you how understand, can be gametaku...but well...

in my opinion, just ask are u a gamer.......

write like this....

i just think about somebody who said I drank an alcohol, but I didn't drink driving... ㅡ_-)^

anyway its mine...

사용자 삽입 이미지

a little vague score...... am I lucky???
Posted by Young79
사용자 삽입 이미지
Name : Young Seok, Rho(kaijer = young)

: Male

: 22nd, Oct, 1979(Lunar Calendar),
11th, Dec, 1979(Solar Calendar),
22nd, Jul, 1980(ID Card about Government)

: Ilsan, Korea

Blood Type
: Gun-Woo(Tae-Hyun, Cha) who was a pureheart to love was tied to "Sassy Girl(Ji-Hyun, Jeon)" on the Movie "The Sassy Girl" of O.
A person who was a romantist and optimism and realistic to actualize the happiness of family and to recommand a marriage partner who is O.
If he get married, he thinks the position of father or family is important which is O.
But, it's possible to happen big trouble about break-up which is O.
he shows his weak point that to wrap and wears his heart on his sleeve in society rather than to hide it in secretly which is O

The Personality to recognize through File Type
: He hope he lives like movie, and move endlessly, and be a joy from a lot of things, but sometimes hide himself which is mpg File Type.

The Personality to recognize through a tree : Imaginative and shy, but has ambitious, and be confident, and want a new challenge and experience but sometimes nervous and complicate. The good at memory, and easy to learn, to love complicate and to like to impress to somebody which is Maple Tree(Independence) Style

Now : Im working for tiny online game development company, and trying to make a dream which is a Game Director.

Im missing Ken, Chang, Su, Yuki, Jeff, Anita, Fumina, Min, Ryan, O-Ne-Jjang, Fenny, Ayako, Charmaine, Winnie, Naomi, Lucia, Won-Jin, Bella, Jun, Charles, Sophia, Marcelo, Raphael, Tina, Jin, Junko, Nancy, Louise, Phil, Sil, Trista, Ji-Hye,,,,,,,,,and Mei.

* If you have a quiestion about me, just write a question below form. But, if the question is not worth to answer, I will delete without warning ~~~~ ((((((((( ㅡ_-)v
Feb, 2003 ~ Feb, 2004 : Anisoft, BattleGame
--> Mobile Game "Woong Ja Mobile" Main Director
--> PC Game "Woongja's Highlight" Script and Sub-Director
--> PC Game "Fable Land" Script
--> Online Game "Boom" Sub-Director

Dec, 2007 ~ Apr, 2008 : Program Bank
--> Online Game "Keroking Online" Main Director

Apr, 2008 ~ Now : CL Gamez
--> Project "TB" Sub-Director

Posted by Young79
Reference : Dr. Phil(?)'s Test

It's test which is Dr.Phil give it to Oprah Winfrey to do. There are some people to pay for working out. Keep read it. It's the worth to do.

This test is quite exact and takes just 2 minutes. Do this test then tell your friend who you are.

Don't cheat~ just scroll down and answer some question. Know who you are at present, not in the past.

Prepare a pencil and paper. Also some of company give this test to some new employee to have interview. It make them to help to know who employee are.

This test has 10 simple questions. Answer the question and write what you answer.

1. When do you feel the best during a day?

a) Morning
b) Afternoon, or early evening.
c) Late night.

2. When I walk, usually

a) Wide step, walk fast.
b) Narrow step, walk fast.
c) Lift your face, Look at the front to walk not so fast.
d) Look at the ground, walk not so fast.
e) Walk very slowly

3. When I talk to other people, I

a) stand up and fold my arms
b) join hands.
c) put one or both hands on my hip.
d) touch the others or push softly.
e) finger my ear or jaw, or comb my hair.

4. When I take a rest, I

a) bend my knees and sit in a line.
b) sit and cross my legs.
c) sit and stretch my legs.
d) sit and cover to fold one leg.

5. When I have something funny, I

a) laugh so loudly
b) laugh but not so loudly.
c) smile quietly.
d) smile unbecomingly

6. In the place where is a party or there are lots people, I

a) appear splendidly to want people to realize.
b) enter quietly to look around to find people who I know.
c) enter quietly to want not to arouse.

7. When I'm interrupted while I'm giving myself up to my work, I

a) receive with chance of rest.
b) irritate bullshit-_-
c) some half of two answer.

8. What is your favorite color?

a) Red or Orange
b) Black
c) Yellow or light blue
d) Green
e) Deep blue or purple
f ) White
g) Brown or gray.

9. When I go to bed, and just before, I

a) lie down with pulling myself up.
b) A pose that I pull myself up to sleep on my stomach.
c) A pose that I lie on my side to round my body little.
d) pillow my head on my arm.
e) put your head in coverlet.

10. I often have a dream such as:

a) Fall down on the ground.
b) Fight or work hard.
c) Look for somebody or something in the dream.
d) Fly or rise up
e) Not so often having dream.
f) Always feel so good.

Add your score:

1. (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6
2. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) 2 (e) 1
3. (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) 7 (e) 6
4. (a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 2 (d) 1
5. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 5 (e) 2
6. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 2
7. (a) 6 (b) 2 (c) 4
8. (a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 5 (d) 4 (e) 3 (f) 2 (g) 1
9. (a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 2 (e) 1
10. (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 5 (e) 6 (f) 1

Add a number

Analysis is below.

::Over 60::

People around you think about you are "Handle with Care Style"
You have vanity, and you are egotism, and dominant.
There are people who envy you, admire you, wanna be like you, but also they are afraid of being closed to you, so they don't believe you.

::From 51 to 60::

People around you think you are easy to be excited, easy to be capricious, impulsive.
You're natural leader type, you can make quick-decision(but not correct all the time).
You look you're bold, and adventurous and to try whatever at least once, good to get a chance, to enjoy adventure.
They are attracted by your strong mind.

::From 41 to 50::

People around you think you're cool, sprightly, charming, funny, realistic, and always enjoyable person.
You can capture the attention of other people wherever, and you know who you are so you're not easy to be arrogant.
People think you're kind, emotional, considerate, and also they think you can make them feel so good, and help hard people.

::From 31 to 40::(Score : 33)

Other people think you're judicious, careful, thoughtful, realistic.
They think you're intelligent, and you have talent, ability, and also modest.
When you make a friend, you do not come close hasty, careless, and if you make a friend, you're hearty to them, and also you want them to treat you as the same.
When they know your true character, they will realize it's too difficult to agitate your faith about your friend, and if you give way the faith, it takes so long time to overcome as the same.

::From 21 to 30::

Friends think you're stubborn, strict. Too careful, and too cautious, slow but moving forward steadily.
Your friend might be shocked if they see you're doing something on impulse.
Because they think you inspect conscientious whatever, and reject mostly.
They think your character come from your personality.

::Less than 21::

Friends think you're ashamed, and nervous, hesitant, somebody should take care of you, and somebody has to decide instead of you even it's about you, and avoid to be implicated in something or others.
They think you're just Don Quixote, you try to cope with the problem which is not existence.
Close friends know it's not true, but mostly will think you're so boring.
Posted by Young79

References : Secret Previous Life that Nobody Knows ( http://blcat.kr/@/life.php )

Result :

[ Young Seok, Rho ] 's Previous Life 

The result of information to draw out from Astral Subsection,

You were the king of spirit of fire in Evas Eden in the Magic Age.

At that time, you stayed with nothing, and just created the spirit of fire in Evas Eden.

When you are happy is when you proposed to the king of spirit of water,

and when you are unhappy is when the king of spirit of wind loved human and got hurt from them,

and your death is, not yet. Your soul is two at the same time.

One is the god in the world of the God, and the other one is You here!

Secret Previous Life : http://blcat.kr/@/life.php


Posted by Young79
출처 : Which Star Wars Character Are You?( http://www.seabreezecomputers.com/starwars/ )

For these questions, choose one of "Strongly Disagree", "Disagree", "Maybe", "Agree", "Strongly Agree"

1. Would you describe yourself as tall, dark and handsome?

2. Do others often say you wear cool clothes?

3. Do you often whine when you don't get your way?

4. Are you a person of few words?

5. Are you manipulative?

6. Do you ever have a bad feeling about things?

7. Do you like to do things in a civilized, relaxed manner?

8. Can you hold your own in a fight?

9. Are you impulsive and reckless?

10. Do you highly value your friends?

11. Do you have many close friends?

12. Are you good with gadgets?

13. Have you ever had a close loved one die?

14. Do you like flying?

15. Do you have anger issues?

16. Are you cocky?

17. Do you spend a lot of time on your hair?

18. Are you diplomatic?

19. Are you selfish?

20. Are you emotional?

21. Are you hairy?

22. Do others compliment your looks?

23. Do you fall for scoundrels?

24. Are you short?

25. Are you industrious?

26. Are you satisfied with your life?

27. Do you have a good sense of humor?

28. Are you loyal?

29. Are you there when others need you to save the day?

30. Do others view you as intelligent?

Your results:
You are Qui-Gon Jinn
Qui-Gon Jinn
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Luke Skywalker
An Ewok
Princess Leia
Boba Fett
Han Solo
Anakin Skywalker
Overall, you're a pretty well balanced person.
But maybe you focus a little too
much on the here and now.
Think about the future before its too late.
(This list displays the top 10 results out of a possible 21 characters)
Click here to take the Star Wars Personality Quiz

as result....well..
hmmm.. everybody like this, huh?

1. a person of few(many) words : 말수가 적은(많은) 사람
2. save the day : 궁지를 벗어나다.
Posted by Young79

Welcome to My World
