'Adventure'에 해당되는 글 1건

Before to start
I played this game to be caused by seeing a review which was written by asdflf of JJang0u. Thank to him. (__)

사용자 삽입 이미지
: Heart of Darkness
Release Date : 1998
Developer : Amazing Studio
Genre : Adventure / Action Adventure
Voice : Available
OST : Available
Operating System : Windows 95 / 98
Language : English
Homepage : Unavailable

Heart of Darkness
Action-Adventure game which was developed for a few years by Eric Chahi who was developer of Out of this World which was an old adventure game. Eric Chahi who had already invented new genre through Out of this World which was the similar genre spent to develop it for 7 years.

사용자 삽입 이미지 사용자 삽입 이미지
< Heart of Darkness which was spent to develop for 7 years >

This title was also released to PS, many critics gave a good appraisal, but it delayed because they had some trouble with publisher.

But they set up adventure things everywhere, it's a great game to enjoy whenever you play.

: On the Internet

Andy who like to invent play with 'Whiskey' which is his dog. But, one day, it happened to sun to be covered by something. After that, Whiskey disappeared to somewhere...
사용자 삽입 이미지 사용자 삽입 이미지
< The strange happened, and Whiskey is... >

but Andy who was disappointed took his invention, travelled to take back Whiskey which was his dog to mysterious world.

The Score of Web Magazines
사용자 삽입 이미지

< Score of GameSpot( http://www.gamespot.com ) >

사용자 삽입 이미지

< Score of IGN( http://ign.com ) >

by Young
The age that hundreds games release every year, it's impossible to play all games. Some of them, there are big hit games to owe to their fame, there is the other way and there are overrated games. And, although the quality of a game, there are unlucky game why it's not favorable time for it. One of my review, D-3 was such a game, and I will introduce the game, Heart of Darkness is also such a game.

In the past, the age that most developer developed games from a lot of adventures, RPG and Adventure game was genre to lead the game market. But some players who couldn't be satisfied only to see developed games which emphasize a action, so that's why games which emphasized only to be showy more than important quality appeared. And most player were familiar those games, and they were getting forgetful the adventure games.

Game Data Room

Graphic : ★★★☆
Sound : ★★★☆
Scenario : ★★★
Value : ★★★★
Total : ★★★☆
Posted by Young79

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