'Man Soo'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2008.09.02 Suddenly


C'est La Vie 2008. 9. 2. 15:53
The Posting that I've written in 2004.

The writing to make me screw up when I'm tired..


1. Never feel timid. Even I'm the last, just feel fairly fearless.. why?
Because the last isn't something anyone can do.

2. Never run away.
Because there's no place to run away.

3. Never think ill of anybody.
Because it's just make only me painful.

4. If I can't think, do act, if I can't do act, do desperately. anyway never give up.

5. Smile til the end. Why??
The last winner is Smile....^^

== KAIST ep47 "Ask in 1999" at time machine capsule of Man Soo ==
Posted by Young79

Welcome to My World
