'envy'에 해당되는 글 1건

under the date of yesterday..

Im not a PLI student anymore...

Most of student were sorely missing by last day,

crying, taking a picture, etc.... -0-


I thought, I hope she is with us.

Im getting crazy about her.

I think about her all the day, and the day which I feel that only she can make me comfortable....

only I...

think about her, only I....

crazy about her, and only I....

I wanna do sth for her...

but I can't

I wanna buy boots which she likes for her..

I wanna buy cats which she likes for her....

All which she likes.....

If I can... I wanna do sth for her...

but... I can't...

That's why I envy u guys....

That's why I don't wanna drink a lot....

That's why Im missing her....

Posted by Young79

Welcome to My World
