'C'est La Vie'에 해당되는 글 34건

  1. 2008.05.04 Slump
  2. 2008.03.27 Remember Who I am...so...
  3. 2008.03.17 Dreaming Boy
  4. 2008.02.14 One More I forgot...
  5. 2008.02.11 Recently My News


C'est La Vie 2008. 5. 4. 02:00
Ah.... I think I stayed so long time in canada...(Yeah, one more time... which is to pretend Im Smart...ㅡ.ㅡ;;;;)

First my korean is getting deteriorating.... and I didn't study english at all, my english also is getting deteriorating....

and... it has set me back in my korean... ㅡ_-)a

so..that's why...

it's so hard to post on my blog...

I wanted to post sth, or I wanted to write my opinion on my blog, but..

I just have posted a few word, or posted one article and deleted it why i was not satisfied

maybe 4-5, I did like that....maybe..;; and..also I don't write if I don't feel to want to post..

yeah..it's true that I need to study korean and english more....

but i think most problem is RULIWEB;;

Most feature of ruliweb is Comment... well... the problem of comment is, there are lots of self-expert or other people say they are expert which is the features of web site as ruliweb. this is more powerful than "Jisick-In" of "Naver", but the important is most comment of 70-80% is like rumor, and they are worthless.

Hmm.. information is different how people think about it, so this bullshit ruliweb, there are lots of rumors, and a person(exactly me!) who lacks backbone, he is complicated hearing this rumor and that rumor...

and just my thinking is around my mouth, and I can't type at all by my hand...

yeah, just keep reading, so im comportable to read sth, and keep not writing, i can't write.. -0-;;;

anyway... i just make an excuse...but it's just lazy... ㅡ.ㅡ;;;;

so.. that's why hard to see my posting.... ㅡ_-)a

well... also busy to go to work, and busy to play a game....whatever.. ㅡ.ㅡ;;;
Posted by Young79
I know...

actually I know..


I might not shock too much..
Posted by Young79

Dreaming Boy

C'est La Vie 2008. 3. 17. 18:25
I like having dream. and Im always living with dream.

The Dream...

The dream to me is like a vitamin of life... Having dream makes enjoyment of life, and enjoyment of life makes me having affirmative mind, and... thanks all of things...


I want people give dream to themselves. Not only making money... I mean sth special...


One bad thing is...

sometimes I don't consider reality.. I mean, I would say I ignore reality without my consent

and when Im faced with reality, Im frustrated in front of reality which I don't think.


most people recently, they might give up their dream, or they might not have dream..

Reality which I don't think...

That's why the reality is funny and meaningful....

but not only give funny thing...

because.. it's real..

"A challenge to find something is always to begin with "Luck of a Novice" and always to end with "A Cruel Test.""

- An Alchemist 中 -
Posted by Young79

One More I forgot...

C'est La Vie 2008. 2. 14. 11:19
What I forgot is...

if body is getting weak, mind will be....


if mind is getting weak, body will be...

while I was vomitting, I forgot it for a while..

The funny thing about Human is...

I always know, but it's difficult to do that...

always forget, always realize, always forget, always realize....

what's that...

anyway... better now... shit...
Posted by Young79

Recently My News

C'est La Vie 2008. 2. 11. 22:45
I know... nobody wants to know... my recently news... nobody is worried about me....

i know...but...


Plz being worried about me...plz... ORZ.....

Sure who visits to this blog.....but yeah...very tiny....very a few.... there is someone who vistis my blog..and of course...they would be worried about me that I want to believe.... so...

I will tell you guys my news... yeah~~~~ uh~~~

I don't post on the blod recently..Exactly what I say is I do not write my diary on my blog..

it means.... here...

There are some reasons...

When you read my past posting, you realize that most I've posted is about love...

you might think I fall in love....

but it's completely opposite.

I got older than older, to love is more difficult, and who likes me who has no money, and being more serious..... so who can be interested...

and also, yeah sure Im interested in a girl so much, but.... well.. Im a veteran about one-side love...so... recently... I don't care whether who likes me, or not....

So I have no idea about love...

and actually, if I do, just I will say that I miss, I want to say love...blah blah... and... Im bored to say like that.... recently...

So I would not post about love till sth happen.... but I might post tomorrow... kakaak;;

and second reason..

To go to and come from work takes 3-4 hours... so I go to work at 7 A.M, and I come from work at 9 P.M so I really don't think to post anything on week days, and on weekend, I just watch an animation or a movie, or play a game...and... if somebady call me, I hang out with him... so I have no time to post recently...

but, I do not say I never post anything...

Game, movie, animation I post on my blog about review, here, http://youngs79.tistory.com/ and my english blog, here http://young79.tistory.com/, I still post some review here, so if you're worried about me, thanks for visiting here..

Actually, I have something to post....

the article, "Pig-Min은 불법복제를 반대합니다." I wanna post some my thinking from that, and also from game produce, but I remove that posting after I posted..

because.. I don't like what I post..

i think it's most reason...

anyway.. I go to bed.. =-=
Posted by Young79

Welcome to My World
